Venereal Disease kinds :
* Caused by the bacteria. The infection was begun several days up until several weeks after
intimate relations with the person that terjangkit the illness this
* In the man, this illness caused the issuing of the liquid from the man's genitals. Urinate could
hurt. These signs were able to be felt heavy or not was felt completely.
* Gejala gonorrhea to the woman is usually very light or not was felt completely, but if being not
treated by this illness could become serious and caused
Sterility * The illness this could be cured with antibiotik when being handled early
* Caused by the virus, could be treated but could not Cured
* The sign emerged between 3 to 10 days after having intimate relationship with the illness
sufferer this.
* The sign of early emerged like moistened that afterwards was open to the small and juicy hole.
* In 5 to 10 sign days was lost
* Virus resided in the body and could emerge again something during, and sometimes often
* Woman often not realise that he suffered herpes akrena moistened happened in the vagina
* Caused by jamur ( fungus )
* Caused itchiness anxious red under the man apostr s skin that the note was skimmed off
* In the woman would outside the white liquid thick that caused the feeling itchy
* could be cured in a cream manner anti the fungus
* Caused by bakteria. Lesi emerged between 3 weeks and 3 months after having intimate
relationship with the illness this sufferer .
* The anxious wound seen like the hole in skin with the higher the bank. Generally the anxious
note felt was sick
*Will's wound be lost after several weeks, boots the Will's virus stabilise to the body and the
illness could emerge take the form of very moistened to all this Scraped body Will be lost also,
and the Will's virus attack anybody other
* Syphilis could be cured in each stage with penicillin
* In the woman lesi could be hidden in vagina
* Infeksi to the vagina that usually causes the issuing of the liquid from the smelly vagina and
caused Not comfortable
* Caused by various bacterial kinds (the bacteria gonorrhea, chlamydia) or jamur
* Also could be caused by various bacterium was not dangerous that indeed resided in vagina
* could be investigated by researching this vagina liquid with mikroskop
* Generally could be cured with medicine that was exact in accordance with his cause.
6.The BOIL to the SEX ORGAN
* Caused by the virus (the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV)
* Emerge took the form of one or many boils or the bump between a month and a year after
having intimate relationship with the illness sufferer this
* Generally could not be seen in the woman because of being located in the vagina, or in the man
because too small. Could be tested with the layer cuka
* could result in serious to the woman because of could cause cancer cervix
*The boil could be in this gender cured, the woman must undertake the pop smear every time
changed intimate couples
7.GENDER lice
* Very small (smaller or be the same as 1/8 inch),Coloured grey brownish, resided to pubic hair. * could be cured with liquid medicine that was rubbed to gender hair
8.Lice under SKIN
* Be similar with gender lice, but his measurement was smaller and stabilised below kulit
* Caused small and itchy wounds throughout body
* Treated with liquid medicine that diusapkan all through the body
* Clothes, the sheet and the towel must be washed after medical treatment, because of lice could
stabilise to cloths was seized
* The illness resulting from most serious intimate relations, caused not the working of the
immunity body system
* did not have the sign that was real without the research blood
* could cause the death after ten years after being infected by the HIV virus, but medical
treatment has found
* Spread through intimate relations [kissed each other, making love], relations with the
treatment has found