Superstar Salman Khan donated his famous yellow towel from ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karogi’ autographed by him. He also jived to the popular track of ‘Jeene ke hain chaar din’ with this towel on the show. The towel has been bought by a fan for a whopping 1 lakh. All the proceeds of the celebrity memorabilia auctions will benefit the NGO SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action).
Again, the Kolkata-based Riddhi Nair, a 33 year old housewife, decided to bid for Olympic gold-medalist Vijender Singh’s boxing gloves auctioned on the show because she was moved by the way his mother brought him up. She spent Rs.17,800 for the item and says she will treasure it like “heirloom” forever.
“I happened to see the repeat telecast of ‘Tere Mere Beach Mein’ where Vijender’s mother spoke about how she never bought a new sari for herself for a long time so that she doesn’t have to compromise on her son’s training. It left me very emotional.
“I was touched to see his rising - from a remote village to being a world champion. It’s very thought provoking. It is the perfect example for my daughter that she must always do something big in life,” said Nair.
Nitin Jain, a 39-year-old investor, bid for Priyanka Chopra’s autographed Gavin Maguel designer dress auctioned on Farah’s show and paid Rs.50,000 it.
“Recently, there were several items that were auctioned on ‘Tere Mere Beach Mein’ - the chat show on STAR Plus. We had bid for many of them and were, in fact, the second highest bidders for Bipasha Basu’s shoes. But my daughter is a Priyanka Chopra fan - so she also wanted it,” said Jain, who is based in New Delhi.
Other items sold through the show include Shahid Kapoor’s cap for Rs.28,500, Kareena Kapoor’s blue dress for Rs.22,300, Yusuf Khan’s cricket bat for Rs.60,750, at all.
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